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Bring Lost Patients Back to Your Practice

Find and reactivate your patients with Brevium, a software tool built just for this purpose. It’s a patented, data-driven system that connects to practice management systems to help you improve patient care. Fill schedules with high-priority patients. Tap into the revenue that lapsed patients can provide. Proprietary data-mining tools find patients who have stopped responding to recalls. And proven outreach techniques reactivate them.

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How It Works



Case Studies

Customers Choose Brevium First

In the healthcare industry, patient reactivation and communication support thriving practices. Brevium stands out as a pivotal growth partner for your practice:

Achieve Exceptional Returns and Focus on Patient Care:

Brevium isn’t just your most profitable investment; it’s a commitment to patient health. Clinics commonly report getting more patients back than they have with other processes or technology. For this reason, it’s common to see $25 in revenue for every $1 spent on our platform. We don’t merely boost appointment numbers; we prioritize bringing back patients for essential exams, many of which are high-value. This strategic scheduling not only enhances your providers’ productivity but also plays a critical role in ensuring patients receive the care they need, thereby elevating your practice’s efficiency and profitability.

More Contact Methods = More Patient Reactivation:

Brevium sets the standard in patient reactivation with its unparalleled range of contact options. Our platform uniquely offers text, email, automated calls, postcards, letters, live calls, and can even drive patients to your online scheduler. Brevium’s software automates all these channels and adeptly handles the complexities of customized patient communication. This multifaceted approach ensures more patients receive personalized outreach in a format they are likely to respond to. By covering so many communication fronts, Brevium significantly increases the likelihood of reactivating patients, thereby enhancing both patient engagement and your practice’s overall performance.”

Your Fastest Path to Patient Compliance:

Expect to see patients scheduling the day the software goes live. You’ll be amazed at how fast the results come in. Brevium’s unique technology was developed with insights from billing specialists and providers and focuses on the most relevant ICD 10 and CPT codes for practice revenue and patient health risks. Our system prioritizes patient disease state and insurance acceptance, ensuring optimal care and schedule management. With over 18 years of refinement, our patented technology revolutionizes how practices engage with lost patients.

Optimize Provider Scheduling and Patient Mix:

Brevium redefines patient reactivation, focusing on enhancing your practice’s operational efficiency. It skillfully directs patients to providers with open slots, particularly at high-capacity locations, optimizing appointment utilization and boosting schedule volume. Additionally, Brevium customizes the patient mix to align with your providers’ specialties, improving patient outcomes and provider satisfaction. This strategic approach transforms more than patient care; it revolutionizes your practice’s economics. By filling operational gaps and maximizing schedule use, Brevium turns downtime into profitable operations, driving practice growth and success.

Maximizing Returns:

Data Science Driven Patient Strategies: We merge hard science with sophisticated patient engagement strategies. Our approach starts with data analytics to match out-of-compliance patients who need care with providers and locations, followed by research-based techniques to activate these patients. The result? The industry’s highest rates of patient return and retention, enhancing both health outcomes and practice performance.

Connects with Old Patient Databases:

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Often, valuable patient connections are lost in the shuffle of transitioning between practice management systems or during practice mergers. Brevium Stitch elegantly solves this challenge. It meticulously analyzes and integrates patient data that might have been abandoned. This powerful feature enables your practice to target and then re-engage with patients seamlessly, as if their visit and billing history had always been part of your current system. With Brevium Stitch, you’re equipped to reconnect with and reactivate staggering numbers of patients, turning forgotten records into valuable opportunities for patient care and practice growth.

Accountability Amplified Through Actionable Reports:

6-Reporting-A-1With Brevium, you’re not working in the dark. Our interactive dashboard and reports give you access to the details like contact attempts, patient disposition, and revenue generation. These reports give you granular, actionable details that are specific to your practice, so you can hold the process accountable and make more informed decisions for your practice’s growth strategy.

Ease Meets Automation:

Complexity shouldn’t hinder your practice’s growth. Brevium is designed for simplicity and efficiency, with an automated system that runs in the background. Our strategic partnership extends beyond software—we provide in-depth consulting and unlimited training, guiding practices to new heights in patient care and business success.

Protect Your Referral Relationships:

We recognize the power of your referral network. Brevium safeguards these essential relationships. If a patient was referred to be seen one time with the expectation of returning them to the referring provider, Brevium supports this.

An estimated 25% of patients are overdue or lost from their practice. These are patients who need to be seen by their practice but have no appointment or pending recall. Maybe they didn’t respond to reminder or recall efforts that fell short, or maybe they walked out of the office without scheduling a follow up. Brevium finds these patients and employs patented reactivation efforts to bring them back.

Brevium Patient Reactivation Overview

The Power of Outreach

  • 53% of practices

    53% Of Practices Suffer From Reduced Quality Of Care

  • 25% overdue or lost

    25% Of Patients Are Overdue Or Lost

  • Increase by 81%

    4-5 Outreach Attempts Can Increase Reactivation By 81%

Overdue patients are not receiving the medical attention they need, and they represent a lost source of revenue for practices. Patient reactivation is the process of contacting overdue patients with the goal of returning them to the practice. Brevium empowers your practice to reach those lapsed patients and get them active again at your practice.

Results   Reporting

User Testimonial

“Brevium is extremely easy to use and quite effective. It has consistently more than paid for itself in terms of generating new appointments and has also served to update our files by locating deceased patients or patients who have moved out of the area. The personalized service we received during installation, training and implementation was excellent!”

Candy Krause

COO, SureVision

“The number of patients we hadn’t seen in years was eye-opening, especially for the providers. This is true confirmation that Brevium works and helps improve patient health and retention. Brevium is a great tool and easy to use. Settings are at my fingertips, reports are thorough and customizable. I would recommend Brevium to any established clinic.”

Katy Mullins

Administrator, Conway Women’s Health

“We think we're getting all of our patients in; we think we're getting good at recalling patients, but until you truly see how many patients are sitting there that weren't following up — that's a huge impact that Brevium helps us make.”

Ashlee Stoops

Practice Administrator, Comprehensive EyeCare Partners

    Beyond Patient Reactivation

    Each provider in your practice likely has 1,000 to 2,000 inactive patients. They have stopped responding to your recalls and reminders, so your office has given up on them. Brevium patient engagement software goes beyond patient retention and patient follow-up to find and reactivate the thousands of patients who have stopped responding to your reminders. Brevium uses highly customizable search criteria and state-of-the-art patient recall communications to find and reactivate patients. It fills your providers’ schedules with high-priority, high-need, high-value patients.

    The Difference

    The Brevium Edge Brevium The Competition
    Leader in Patient Reactivation
    6–8 Multi-Channel Contacts/ Patient
    Real-Time Transparent Reporting
    25x Return on Investment
    Protected Patient Referral
    Seamless Data Migration Technology

    From The Blog


    $299 / mo.

    For first two doctors / providers

    Schedule a demo for more details
