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Patient Engagement Software That Delivers Results

Any software worth the investment will show you how it earns its keep. One of the best things about Brevium is the detailed and accurate reporting that gives you immediate insights into how your patient engagement and retention efforts. It also shows you the ROI and revenue from those efforts. Brevium doesn’t estimate. It uses patented in-depth practice data to measure and report.

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Make Brevium Work For Your Practice

Brevium goes beyond your patient retention and recall efforts to find and reactivate the thousands of patients who have stopped responding to your reminders. 

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Study: Intelligent Strategies to Reactivate Overdue Patients

With the number of lost to follow-up patients running into the thousands at many practices, current methods for reactivating these patients do not provide the desired results. Practices often fall short when attempting to reconnect with patients in need of care. Brevium sponsored an in-depth study of patient reactivation strategies, and it points to a number of factors that drive optimal patient reactivation. 

Average Revenue Generated Over Time and Per Activation

The ALOHA study (links below) found that each patient who is reactivated brings in an average of $174 of revenue on their first return appointment and an additional $284 over 12 months. Consider the number of patients in your practice. If you have 30,000 patients, for example, 7,500 of those are likely inactive, and almost 2,000 can be reactivated with the right contact strategy. This represents a significant benefit for both the patients and your practice without spending a lot of money and time trying to attract new patients.

The Power of Outreach

  • 53% of practices

    53% Of Practices Suffer From Reduced Quality Of Care

  • 25% overdue or lost

    25% Of Patients Are Overdue Or Lost

  • Increase by 81%

    4-5 Outreach Attempts Can Increase Reactivation By 81%

An estimated 25% of patients are overdue or lost from their practice. These lost to follow-up patients need to be seen but have no appointment or pending recall. Maybe they didn’t respond to reminders or recall efforts that fell short, or maybe they walked out of the office without scheduling a follow up. Brevium finds these patients and employs patented reactivation efforts to bring them back.

Users Get Great Results With Brevium

“Brevium is extremely easy to use and quite effective. It has consistently more than paid for itself in terms of generating new appointments and has also served to update our files by locating deceased patients or patients who have moved out of the area. The personalized service we received during installation, training and implementation was excellent!”

Candy Krause

COO, SureVision

“The first question I ask a practice as an overall consultant is: ‘What’s your schedule like?’ And they’ll usually say that it’s full, when very often it’s not fully utilized. Brevium helps these practices fill schedules and better understand schedule utilization—getting the right patients to the right doctors.”

Tracy Kenniff, MBA

Practice Administrator, The Eye Center

“Brevium is the best marketing spend I have ever made. It’s a great data mining tool. I’m able to measure ROI efficiently, whereas most programs make this difficult. On a 1 – 5 scale, Brevium is a 10!”

Kevin Kelly

Administrator, North Suffolk Cardiology
