The Brevium Blog
Marking One Year of the COVID-19 Pandemic
How many reluctant patients do you have?
The roller-coaster ride of the COVID-19 pandemic is slowly being brought under control through vaccines, masking, and social distancing. Medical practices are looking forward to a world more like that before the onset of the pandemic, with patient visits and revenue returning to “normal” levels.
However, in the changes brought on by office closures or reduction in services during the early part of 2020, many practices have unknowingly missed the return of some patients and their care. Brevium’s data scientists’ analysis of national appointment information has shown medical practices have an alarming number of patients outside their usual circle of care.
A sample of medical practices (n = 135) in the US shows an average of 31% of patients were scheduled for March – May 2020, but still haven’t been seen or aren’t on the future schedule.
The percentage of patients missing for individual practices ranged from 15.7% up to a high of 56.7%.
Did you know?
The Urban Institute’s September 2020 Coronavirus Tracking Survey shows that 36% of non-elderly adults delayed or did not receive care because they were worried about exposure to the coronavirus or a health care provider limited services because of the pandemic.
To reverse this trend, Brevium added an Office Closure Tool to its software. The tool makes it easy to identify these missing patients and invite them back using Brevium’s automated communication sequences.
Brevium’s reactivation software brings back these missing patients in ways that running reports, sending reminders and recalls, and patient marketing technology cannot. Predict and communicate with the patients who are most likely to return, to maximize conversion rates without additional staffing requirements.
Brevium is able to help you get a handle on the hard numbers of missing patients due to the pandemic and the estimated opportunity at your practice. This exercise is called the Brevium Connection – and all it takes is a seamless and quick session with your IT group to set up. Call 801-854-5400 X501 or contact [email protected].